pg. 1 79 Results
wether black and white sheep
$ — Cookeville, TN
45 mins
Shetland/ Cheviot ewe
$200 Gallatin, TN
1 hr
$225 Lafayette, TN
16 hrs
ewe Lamb
$150 Sparta, TN
17 hrs
$125 Morrison, TN
1 day
Nubian Doe
$300 Wilder, TN
1 day
$150 Estill Springs, TN
1 day
katahdin rams
$200 Cookeville, TN
2 days
katahdin kids rams
$150 Cookeville, TN
2 days
St Croix Ram
$200 Lafayette, TN
3 days
2 ewes
$ — Cookeville, TN
3 days
AKC Great Pyrenees Puppies LGD
$300 Hilham, TN
3 days
Ram Lambs
$125 Cookeville, TN
4 days
texel sheep
$550 Bethpage, TN
4 days
$125 Lascassas, TN
5 days
Katahdin Ram Lambs
$225 Lebanon, TN
5 days
registered dorper ram
$475 Whitleyville, TN
5 days
Two baby lambs
$200 Smithville, TN
6 days
Pasture-Raised St. Croix Ram Yearlings
$200 Burkesville, KY
6 days
Pasture-Raised St. Croix Ram Lambs
$150 Burkesville, KY
6 days
Big Ram
$275 Sparta, TN
6 days
young katahdin ewes
$500 Manchester, TN
6 days
$ — Mcminnville, TN
6 days
Nice, gentle yearling Khatadin rams
$200 Lyles, TN
6 days
Adult Blacknose trophy
$1,500 Brush Creek, TN
6 days
Trade 1yr Katahdin Ram & Ewes For Sale
$300 Monroe, TN
6 days
Searching Sheep near Lebanon ±75mi.
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